Thursday, March 13, 2014

Delightful Details

I witnessed the scariest phenomena last week. While partaking in my $0.99 daily dose of raspberry flavored Sonic water, I watched a semi truck make a left turn through a red light. He was succeeded by not one, not two, not even three, but eight additional vehicles who followed with reckless abandon. It took a near head-on collision for anyone to recognize their error.

I am not here to attack less than perfect drivers. If there were a club, I could certainly chair it. I am, however, motivated to implore you not to get so caught up in the big picture (I've gotta make it to my next appointment!) that you miss all the delightful details (red lights) that life has to offer.

It is so inexplicably easy to overbook, over plan, and overexert our schedules that often times, life seems rushed. We can get so caught up in the deadlines that we neglect the ever-so-important details.

Last year, I was caring for a precious four year old who loved nature and all things beautiful. One Sunday morning we were running late for church, and since I oversee the doughnut ministry, timeliness is next to godliness. As I hurried little man out of his car seat and into the store, he was drawn to have his weekly exchange with the elderly people greeter (tick tock, tick tock), investigate the reasoning behind the crying child (who cares, he's not our crying child), and seek out the doughnuts with the prettiest design (oh please! what's wrong with good, ole fashioned plain doughnuts?) After what seemed like an eternity, we made it past the check-out lane and into the parking lot, only to stop, mid-hurried step, to gaze at a momma bird camped out underneath a car feeding her babies off a piece of dropped bread (I am really out of patience now).

Settled in the car and flying to church, I was hit with the big whammy. "We should have stopped and gave that mommy bird some more food for her babies. What if nobody gives them food? The babies won't grow if they don't have food and the mommy will be sad."

The delightful details of life. So caught up in "big picture," I neglected the other puzzle-piece- portions of the day. No, the bird family probably wasn't going to starve because of my lack of time and bird seed, but the truth is, I wouldn't have even noticed the birds if it wasn't for an unhurried child with a big heart.

Let's up the ante. What else was I missing? What else do you miss? In the fast-paced chaos of life,  it can be easy to overlook life's biggest blessings: our spouses, our children, our parents, our siblings, and even our friends. What about the beautiful world around us? Have you ever taken a few minutes to watch a sunrise or a sunset? How about a half hour to listen to a soothing spring rain? Ever gone hiking and noticed all the different shades of color amongst the trees, flowers, weeds, grass, or sky? Life is beautiful, and it's ours for the taking!

I leave you with a challenge: Set your eyes on the big picture and run towards your goals with everything you have, but don't neglect the moments. Seek out the delightful details, and be conscious of today. It's so worth it!

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