Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Finding God in the Storm

A few weeks back, a friend and I were discussing the heart of God towards human kind and how His heart must break when sin wounds people. Good people, bad people, innocent people. It's the age old question; the question everyone asks, but no one wants to answer: "Where's God when...?"

How do you look into the tearful eyes of a hurting person and explain the love and mercy of a God who, in their moment, seems far off? This "Where's God?" question used to intimidate me, as if God's character was dependent upon my ability to adequately defend Him. Going deeper, I think I felt as though if I couldn't explain away the sheer terror that abounds on earth, my own belief foundation may shake or shatter. In all of my explaining, I never considered how this same opposition might wound the heart of God, as my friend recently suggested.

Though I've blogged similar thoughts for you before, this writing reflects a new perspective. I've included Scripture references in case you want to do your own study.

We are God's precious, beloved children. He loves us with a love we often don't understand or comprehend, as His love surpasses our limited knowledge (Ephesians 3:18-19). When He first created the world, He glazed down from the heavenly loft and saw that it was good (Genesis 1:31). Imagine a world that was perfect, sinless, and happy. How incredible and vastly different it was from our current reality.

God is a good Father, and because of His goodness, He gave us a free-will. I've questioned Him on this point, too, but if He didn't give us reign over our choices, He would be considered a controlling monster. He knew we would choose to act outside His boundaries, and He knew the consequences of those actions, yet He stepped aside anyways. He wanted us to choose Him out of our own desire, rather than duty or fear. True love is never forced or coerced, but instead is freely given and received.

Yes, we often wonder, "Where's God when...?" I don't think it's our doubts that really wound God. He's big enough to handle our fears, and in His presence, He dispels darkness. I think it's the work of the evil one that we allow in our hearts and minds that upsets God. Satan is a murderer and a liar (John 8:44). When we allow him, he twists our thoughts to deflect blame and rage from himself and vile acts of sin to God, our Father. God did not choose sin for His people, but Satan gloats when believers launch arrows of accusation towards His heavenly places. "Why God, why???!!!" Time and again He invites us to renew our minds and shift old patterns of thinking (Romans 12:2). Instead of asking, "Why, God?", when will His people begin declaring, "No more, Satan!" It's time for the righteous to tremble with holy indignation against the ruler of darkness.

The God of all heaven and earth takes pleasure in His people. He beautifies the afflicted ones with salvation (Psalm 149:4)! He is in our midst as a victorious warrior. He exults over us with joy. He is quiet in His love. He rejoices over us with shouting (Zephaniah 3:17). When will this be enough for us? When will we believe His heart towards us? When will we trust His love?

I truly believe God's heart shatters at the sound of our groaning. I think it agonizes Him to see His children anguishing as a result of sin. I think He trembles with holy rage when the works of the enemy seem to prevail against us. I imagine He weeps as we weep and aches as we ache. It's not that He can't save us from our despair, but that He already did. The moment Adam allowed sin to manifest in his heart, God began working out a plan of salvation for us. We do not have to grieve as those who have no hope! Our hope springs eternal.

We are in a war, folks. Not a war against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, and the ruler of darkness (Ephesians 6:10-12). Sometimes, as often is the case in war, the innocent are afflicted and even parish. It's a cruel reality, but so is sin. Satan has no partiality. He'll cast down whomever he can reach and devour (1 Peter 5:8). You see, that's his nature- death, destruction, heartache, abuse, sickness, disease, divorce, debt, abandonment, anger, lust, rage, brokenness, and all other sorts of evil. Make no mistake, Satan joys in our affliction.

However, I assure you that God does not joy in our afflictions. I know His heart aches and yearns for our healing. Our enemy is already a defeated foe!

God is not far-off, uninterested, or uncaring. He is a good Father. He loves us with an unending love (Romans 8:38-39). He yearns for our hearts, and I believe He longs for that glorious day when He will complete our transformation in heaven. He will clothe us with robes of righteousness and we will finally be whole and complete, not lacking anything. Imagine the joy that awaits us if we choose Him, friends. Let us fix our eyes on Him and walk alongside Him as we venture through earth's shadows. He promises we'll never be alone. (Psalm 23:4).

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