Failure. It's an ugly word. An ugly word I've been mulling over the past few days...
Maybe you mess once. That's forgivable.
Twice? That makes you human.
A third time, whoa buddy. Or at least that's what we as humans are programmed to think.
Let me introduce a new idea to you. It's not my original thought, but it will be a life changing one if you let it. Are you ready?
"You don't have to live like yesterday."
That's it. Simple. Straightforward. Honest.
Messing up is inevitable, but failure is a choice. You, I, we, the human race, doesn't truly fail until we stop trying, give up, or quit. Failure is a lazy out. There, I said it.
I may sound preachy here, but I intended it to be that way...I need to hear this message.
I don't remember exact numbers, but somewhere in my early grade school career I learned that it took Thomas Edison a bazillion attempts to finally get the light bulb to work. I'm no math superstar, but that's a lot of opportunities for disappointment and crappy attitudes if you ask me. Thank God Edison was a relentless man!
What about you? What's your mountain? Are you living in the valley of defeat?
No? No mountains? No valleys? Only treetops and singing? That is fantastic! Appreciate and cherish it.
Yes? Okay then, welcome to good company. It's time to stand up, shake off the dust, find some treetops, and sing. So you messed up 500 times yesterday, who cares!!! It's not yesterday anymore! Today is full of promise and potential if you let it be.
Don't let failure define you. You're worth fighting for.
The end.
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