I, Lindsay Lee, am this day choosing of my own free will to take a wild and ridiculous plunge. I am going to attempt to learn how to cook... Sure, I can usually bake something edible if it comes out of a box with very detailed instructions, but aside from boiling water, that's the extent of my skills.
I'm not sure, but I think I may have woken up on the weird side of the bed. You know, that mouthy side that screams, "You now know the McAlisters, Panera, Soinc, and El Charro staff by name, and all those kids you juggle are probably getting tired of pizza and pancakes. Wake up, take out addict."
Pinterest is largely to blame for this endeavor. All those pins make Betty Crocker look like an amateur, while promising cookbook picture results in three simple steps. I guess I'll be the judge of that.
Thomas Edison failed a million times before he developed a working light bulb, so what's a few botched meals in my twenties? Here's to cooking, blanching, steaming, sauteing, browning, boiling, pan frying, eating, and a whole lot of dinner wine. I'm going to need it. Cheers!